A Qualitative Methods Research Proposal (By no means is this complete, but I have to start someplace) I. Introduction. Intentional propaganda is the systematic propagation of ideas in a deliberate manner in order to encourage or instill a particular attitude or response and it is a broad and infinite subject. In other words, it is deliberate and intended. Here I… Read More
Observations On My First Sociological Interview I began this interview and wrote the interview questions making certain assumptions, blindly, without considering the context of the questions I was asking and the results I was looking for. This wasn’t just an interview like the others I had conducted in the past for www.radiocasbah.com, where I engaged in an informal conversation with a… Read More
Facebook Promotional-Propaganda Observations While I completed this observation on 18 and 19 February, I observe this phenomenon daily on the Internet and in the external world. I have observed all varieties of propaganda in the everyday for far longer than Facebook has been around, Facebook exemplifies what is most fascinating about this phenomenon: the example of unintentional propaganda… Read More
The History Of Rromani Inequality: An Abbreviated Literature Review At some point in the future, I may probably teach a class on this subject since it is something I feel very strongly about. For now, this is an assignment for a class, an annotated bibliography for a class I would like to teach. The following will be a bibliography devoted to the inequality and… Read More
An Outline of Bryman’s (2008) Social Research Methods Bryman, A. (2008). Social Research Methods (3rd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, USA. Some of you may or may not be interested in this, but this was essentially my crash course/note taking in sociology methods. I keep it here for future reference. I may or may not modify it or add to it.… Read More
Public Opinion, Propaganda, Communication, and Media Studies Reading Research Notes The following are books read and referenced in the recent past and present. All sources are paraphrased and page referenced for further reading and referral. Lippmann, W. (1997). Public opinion. New York: Free Press Paperbacks Press Inaccuracy: q.v. biographies of John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, and Sam Adams. (p.xi ) Assumptions: There are at least two… Read More
A Brief Introduction to the Subject of Propaganda At the point I wrote this passage, I was convinced that the subject of propaganda was one which I might be unable to introduce to my academic general public. While I believe that academia is better suited to accept the word on its own terms, I still observe more than subtle indications that the word… Read More
Research Organization (Adapted from Robert Pirsig) Organization of Primary Ideas (adapted from Lila by Robert Pirsig) in Evolutionary Order: Piles of Notes Slips of paper with Ideas Topics into Larger Sections Sections into Chapters Chapters into Parts Developed from the Quality of Ideas: JUNK – Absolutely immaterial to the subject at the moment but kept for a future time in the event… Read More