18 June 2017 I am very late in posting these but it’s been a hectic and eventful year. The photos are from the trip down, along the beautiful Highway 1 in Monterey, California. More than a few decades ago, I took two other trips down Highway 1 from Monterey to San Diego, a much longer trip that lasted almost a whole day. I never photographed that trip but I remember everything distinctly. The caricatures and other photos are from my introduction of podcasting to that same group as well as my short presentation to the student council. The video is an excerpt. I have a new DSLR camera that takes photos and shoots video. However, I foolishly assumed that in 2017, onboard microphones would have improved a whole lot. I am generally loud when speaking to a group but I was in a hotel dining room with several other people speaking to groups at other tables. So I am only including the first six minutes, approximately. I plan on a microphone purchase in the near future before I attempt this again. I also need to figure out how to manipulate photos in WordPress, Dammit. https://michaelperazzetti.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Explaining-Podcasting-at-Butterfly-Effect_1.mp4