(The beginnings of one….) I. Title. Unintentional Propaganda as Sexism:  How Embedded is Prejudice within English Grammar? II. Abstract. The subject of this paper begins to analyze unintentional propaganda that occurs in small groups, the propaganda that is inherent in the grammar and language that perpetuates sexism. For purposes of this study, the language in… Read More

Summary. The authors discuss the demarcations between what is considered journalism and what is considered public relations. However, the authors use the professional societies of each to describe, define, and delineate between what constitutes the key elements of each profession.  While acknowledging the professional job descriptions of each, the authors also acknowledge that the development… Read More

Beginning this I had thought that it should be, “I am a feminist because…” primarily because feminism has been on my mind for the last several years probably without placing the label on it, and quite possibly due to the roles that my grandmother and my aunt have played in my life.  My life is… Read More

Most of the visual data that I selected was deliberate, from my collection of photos taken over the last several years for my Internet Radio web site, www.radiocasbah.com, and from the front page of my Facebook feed relating to musicians that I know and the ever-present promotional-propaganda on the Facebook side panel.  The only errant… Read More

While I made my observations of musical artists’ publicity-propaganda on my Facebook page feed over a week ago, I observe this activity daily in my personal life so these observations are ongoing and continuous.  Facebook is just the latest, but not necessarily the greatest addition to self-promotional-propaganda.  There are thousands of platforms on the Internet… Read More