Unintentional Sexism: The influence of language upon media propaganda, individuals and small groups Abstract While propaganda in the form of unintentional influence and the language of sexism has been independently researched, a review of literature reveals no such studies that link these two topics. In this paper, I link these two subjects to study the hypothesis that the language of sexism, embedded within media, unintentionally influences individuals and… Read More
The Language of Sexism Embedded in Media Texts (Once again, I freely admit this isn’t perfect, but from the earlier Goffman Paper to this, I see some marked improvements. I would also like your constructive feedback when you have a chance to read it. This paper is slightly similar to the Research Proposal but there are minor but significant changes to this one… Read More
Research Proposal: Unintentional Propaganda: The Language of Sexism in Media (Once again, I freely admit this isn’t perfect, but from the earlier Goffman Paper to this, I see some marked improvements. I would also like your constructive feedback when you have a chance to read this since I would like to make this a real study that perhaps my followers could participate in at some… Read More
Reflections On Daniel Boorstein’s “Ten-Nine-Eight-Childline!” and “What Kind of Mother Are You?” History in the Western Hemisphere, especially the United States is filled with example after example of the upper classes, the rich and wealthy, engaging in social reform of the poor and the lower classes. But those rich and wealthy, who thought they knew better, passed judgment on those so-called poor and lower classes, and judged… Read More
Content Analysis Hypothesis Development (And so the saga continues as I wrassle with determining a proper hypothesis. The below is an indication of how far I have come and ow far I need to go. But I am getting closer.) Original Hypothesis: Individuals and small groups are influenced by intentional sexist propaganda embedded in media texts that influence unintentional… Read More
Summary of The Cultural Context of Cognition: What the Implicit Association Test Tells Us About How Culture Works by Hana Shepherd N.B. This summary is a “follow up” on my reaction to the Implicit Associations Test that I wrote of earlier. I wanted to summarize a journal article that presented a different perspective than mine even though I am still in disagreement with the intention and what I feel is a bias in the tests that… Read More
Reflections On Hacker & Roberts’ Transformational leadership Chapters 7 and 8, Participatory Feminism, and Selected Writings on Feminism and Liberation Psychology I know there are” ideal” companies to work for, not because I have worked for them (because I haven’t), but because very few friends have mentioned their work environments and their ideal supervisors and because I have read about them occasionally in the news pages. But now that I have read Hacker and Robert’s analysis… Read More
Reflections on I Need Feminism Because… Becoming A Woman 2: Puberty and Adolescence Growing up, I had enough struggles to keep out of the way, to understand what was going on around me, and to navigate my own way through puberty in junior high and high school. As it was for everyone else, it wasn’t easy for me. I had no conversation with my parents about any of… Read More
Survey Hypothesis Development Worksheet: The Propaganda Of Sexism (This is more or less a brainstorming session to begin fleshing out these thesis ideas and, and, and, to satisfy the assignment requirements for Social Psychology. Bear with me folks. It’s getting interesting. And if anyone at all has any suggestions to improve this, please let me know.) Original hypothesis: Individuals and small groups… Read More
Outline of a Social Psychology Paper (The beginnings of one….) I. Title. Unintentional Propaganda as Sexism: How Embedded is Prejudice within English Grammar? II. Abstract. The subject of this paper begins to analyze unintentional propaganda that occurs in small groups, the propaganda that is inherent in the grammar and language that perpetuates sexism. For purposes of this study, the language in… Read More