Reflections on Tomlinson & Aron’s Relationship neuroscience: Where we are and where we might be going and Robbins’ Eugenics and psychiatry: A brief overview and history Neuroscience and humanistic psychology are part of an area of study that I believe is, by definition, designed to help people achieve, in one form or another, their highest possible evolutionary state. Both are part of a long evolutionary process, within psychology, of learning and growth. While Eugenics may be part of that evolutionary process,… Read More
Reflections on Kretzmann & McKnight’s Building Communities from the Inside Out (pp. 1-107) Kretzmann & McKnight (1993) provide us with the equivalent of a bible, one to implement asset-based community (or capacity-focused) development from the ground up. This isn’t about assessing needs, deficiencies, and problems, but discovering a community’s capacities and assets. This is an important distinction because it takes the standard way of solving community problems with… Read More
Reflections on Approaches to Quantitative Research and Butler, et al’s Meditation with yoga, group therapy with hypnosis, and psychoeducation for long-term depressed mood and Schenker and Rumrill’s Causal-comparative research designs and Implications for My Own Research While quantitative research is easier to understand after several readings (Locke, et al, 2010; Creswell, 2014), I am still not as comfortable with statistics as I would like to be in spite of two statistics classes and the insistence of a professor that I would eventually understand it. If I utilized any method, be it… Read More
Reflections on Charet’s Consciousness, Earley’s The Social Evolution of Consciousness and Grof’s Revision and Re-enchantment of Psychology Charet’s encyclopedia entry serves as an entry point, a definition, of consciousness. As such, it is aa general introduction, but given the work done by others in this area, including the Buddhists, Jung, and others, this definition barely cover the territory. I concentrated the majority of my analysis on the other two articles. While Early’s… Read More
Outline of a Social Psychology Paper (The beginnings of one….) I. Title. Unintentional Propaganda as Sexism: How Embedded is Prejudice within English Grammar? II. Abstract. The subject of this paper begins to analyze unintentional propaganda that occurs in small groups, the propaganda that is inherent in the grammar and language that perpetuates sexism. For purposes of this study, the language in… Read More