Reflections on I Need Feminism Because… Becoming A Woman 2: Puberty and Adolescence Growing up, I had enough struggles to keep out of the way, to understand what was going on around me, and to navigate my own way through puberty in junior high and high school. As it was for everyone else, it wasn’t easy for me. I had no conversation with my parents about any of… Read More
Survey Hypothesis Development Worksheet: The Propaganda Of Sexism (This is more or less a brainstorming session to begin fleshing out these thesis ideas and, and, and, to satisfy the assignment requirements for Social Psychology. Bear with me folks. It’s getting interesting. And if anyone at all has any suggestions to improve this, please let me know.) Original hypothesis: Individuals and small groups… Read More
Outline of a Social Psychology Paper (The beginnings of one….) I. Title. Unintentional Propaganda as Sexism: How Embedded is Prejudice within English Grammar? II. Abstract. The subject of this paper begins to analyze unintentional propaganda that occurs in small groups, the propaganda that is inherent in the grammar and language that perpetuates sexism. For purposes of this study, the language in… Read More
Social Psychology Study Rationale Worksheet (At least the beginnings of one) What was the original theory and/or hypothesis that you based your study on? The original theory that I based my study on is the language of sexism, that sexism exists in the grammar and language of English that is discussed in one article by Julia Penelope, Prescribed Passivity: The… Read More
Reflections on the Implicit Associations Tests Exercise Harvard’s Implicit Associations Test is interesting, as loaded as an adjective as that is in this case. The visual portion of the test makes certain assumptive social constructs that particular categories of individuals “look” a specific way (I took the gender- science test and the African American-European American test—twice) rather than another. There was no… Read More
Media Imagery of Women as Reinforcing Propaganda Stereotypes: An Analysis of Literature Media propaganda is vitally important, whether advertising, marketing, movies or television shows, to the reinforcement of stereotyped images of women and persons of color, most of it subconscious and embedded within the very imagery of language that each of us use and the conditioning propaganda that all of us have been subjected to and programmed… Read More
Summary Analysis of I’ll Have What She’s Having: Effects of Social Influence and Body Type on the Food Choices of Others Introduction. This study examines consumer body type affects the food eating habits of those around them adjusted for whether the influencer is overweight or thin and whether the person being influenced has high or low self-esteem. The authors note that several authors point to a sedentary lifestyle and the high consumption of food as the… Read More
Reflections on I Need Feminism Because… 1 Beginning this I had thought that it should be, “I am a feminist because…” primarily because feminism has been on my mind for the last several years probably without placing the label on it, and quite possibly due to the roles that my grandmother and my aunt have played in my life. My life is… Read More