And there is still more, some popular and some early seminal punk.  We begin with Don Henley’s Dirty Laundry. As always, if you find or write any worthy of consideration, send them my way, and we may get to a few more additions and editions of these.… Read More

While social theorists attempt to incorporate all aspects of a given society to generate a grand theory that functions for all people all of the time, invariably, because the theory in question is so grand, there are elements that are excluded, misplaced or forgotten.  Jurgen Haberamas is no exception.  I will argue that, while his… Read More

In order for propaganda to be effective, it must contain an element of perceived truth.  Goebbels understood this, Karl Rove understands this, and bell hooks understands this as she abundantly explains in Where We Stand:  Class Matters.  The intent is to help us understand how and why we live in a class society.  Analyzing every… Read More

Max Weber’s study of history, economics, and law allowed him to analyse social movements in their microcosm, especially his views of Rationalisation.  Critics have argued that Weber viewed rationalization as progress, while, I would counter that Weber described it as a modern reality, much as Machievelli described power and the state in The Prince.  Weber’s… Read More